Plenty • June/August 2007
There’s a subtle irony embedded in our current national craving for locally grown food: Cities, the antithesis of the countryside, have arguably become the easiest place to indulge it. The rise of farmers’ markets and buying clubs has transformed urban food possibilities and the economic viability of small American farmers. It’s a radical shift, and one driven not by market forces or government, but by the work of a burgeoning cadre of activists from coast to coast. Driven by the belief that everyone should have access to fresh, local food, these visionaries are changing the contents of city shoppers’ carts from Philadelphia’s tony Society Hill to the gritty edges of Oakland, California. Enjoy!
Plenty • Aug. 3, 2007
One Milwaukee group promotes sustainability by encouraging folks to get their hands dirty.
Plenty • July 27, 2007
Since Hurricane Katrina, many New Orleanians have wondered where their dinner will come from—and one local group has stepped up to the plate to provide answers.
Plenty • July 20, 2007
In the Big Apple’s beleaguered East New York neighborhood, hope comes in the form of homegrown veggies.
Plenty • July 13, 2007
One Californian food justice group shows that local, healthy eating starts with education and a tricked-out rig.
Plenty • July 6, 2007
A new farmers’ market in downtown Philadelphia makes buying local easy—for everyone.
Plenty • June 30, 2007
In the heart of Detroit, gardening guru Ashley Atkinson gets urbanites excited about growing food.