REASON #5 to buy The American Way of Eating comes from James Oseland, Saveur magazine:
“Tracie McMillan has written a remarkable book for right now—a book that smartly tells us what is wrong with what we eat and how we might improve it. But what is even more remarkable about the book is how deeply engaging it is. With her intimate and confident portraits of American food workers, she crafts a touching, emotional narrative that will stay with you long after you have finished the last page.”
—James Oseland, editor-in-chief, Saveur; author of Cradle of Flavor
The book goes on sale Tuesday, Feb, 21.
And if you are in New York, come celebrate with me at Housing Works to talk about “The Anti-Foodie Foodies” with Amanda Hesser, James Oseland, Annia Ciezadlo and Rev. Devanie Jackson, moderated by the lovely Erica Wides.