Metro Times • March 28, 2012
Full disclosure: We at Metro Times were fortunate enough to host Tracie McMillan in our office, under an unofficial Metro Times fellowship, while she finished her new book,The American Way of Eating.
Metro Times • March 28, 2012
Full disclosure: We at Metro Times were fortunate enough to host Tracie McMillan in our office, under an unofficial Metro Times fellowship, while she finished her new book,The American Way of Eating.
KQED Bay Area Bites • March 14, 2012
Tracie McMillan, who went undercover and worked with low-paid food and farm workers to pen The American Way of Eating, has had perhaps the wildest of rollercoaster rides since her book came out a few short weeks ago.
Metro Times • March 13, 2012
Until last week, News Hits had been content to let others rail about Rush Limbaugh’s disgraceful three-day attack on Georgetown law school student Sandra Fluke. The reaction has been widespread and intense to Limbaugh calling Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute” simply because she advocated having all employer health insurance plans — including those of religiously affiliated employers — be compelled to provide women with birth control.
Grist • March 12, 2012
Before she wrote The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table, Tracie McMillan was a welfare and poverty reporter in New York City. • March 9, 2012
Watch out, ladies: Now that his advertisers’ mass exodus has forced Rush Limbaugh to back off from calling Sandra Fluke a slut and prostitute, he seems to be looking for new targets in our demographic. Earlier this week, Limbaugh spent 40 minutes insulting Tracie McMillan and her new book, “The American Way Of Eating,” about our country’s food system and what it’s like to eat for the working class.
The Atlantic • March 9, 2012
It’s every author’s wish that a major media figure will discuss her or his work on air. So when Rush Limbaugh spent 40 minutes lambasting both me and my first book, The American Way of Eating, during his radio broadcast to 15 million listeners on Tuesday, I was mostly elated. By the time I finished listening to the show, though, I had a question: What exactly does he think I did wrong?
@MetroTimes has got my back!
catch me at 930 on @maddowblog: Limbaugh’s new target, @TMMcMillan a # maddow guest tonight
The Seattle Times • March 7, 2012
Most of the attention around Rush Limbaugh this week has centered on contraception and a 30-year-old law student. Now the debate is expanding to food and a 35-year-old journalist whose new book, as Fast Food Nation’s Eric Schlosser put it, “explores the lives of those at the bottom of our food system.”
Mother Jones • March 6, 2012
Undaunted by the fiasco of his misogynist diatribe against Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh has aimed his rhetorical bile at another accomplished young woman (via Lindsay Beyerstein). This time his target is an acquaintance of mine: Tracie McMillan, author of the new book The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebees, Farm Fields, and the Dinner Table.
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