Award Winning Work

Since 2001, I have produced award winning work, receiving recognition from the Sidney Hillman Foundation, Investigative Reporters and Editors, the James Beard Foundation, the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists, the Harry Chapin Media Award, the James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism, the Casey Medals for Meritorious Journalism, and more.

The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s Farm Fields and the Dinner Table, (Scribner2012)

“As Common As Dirt: In The Fields of California ,Wage Theft is How Business Gets Done,” The American Prospect, 2012

“Getting By,” series on low-wage work and poverty in New York City, City Limits 2006

  • Winner, James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism
  • Finalist, Livingston Award for Young Journalists

“The Action Diet: The Food Justice Movement Aims to Change More Than What Kids Eat,” City Limits, 2004

  • Finalist, Harry Chapin Media Award

“Market Babies: Young mothers leaving welfare still discover that reliable child care can be harder to find than a job. Can a booming business in homegrown child care ever fill the parent gap?” City Limits, 2003

  • Finalist, Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism (2004)

“The Great Training Robbery: New York is paying private firms hundreds of millions dollars to prepare the toughest welfare cases for jobs,” City Limits, 2001

  • Finalist, Harry Chapin Media Award

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