Susan Ager gives #AWE a nice writeup over @StribBooks in Minneapolis!

From Susan Ager’s thoughtful review of The American Way of Eating for Minneapolis’ Star Tribune: these pages will leave you with vivid, challenging images of how food is harvested, sold and prepared (loosely speaking) at casual restaurants

Is there something wrong with the way we eat?

Metro • Feb. 27, 2012

According to the panel of experts at Housing Work’s “The Anti-Food Foodies,” a discussion organized to celebrate the publication of Tracie McMillan’s “The American Way of Eating,” that answer is yes.

“The American Way of Eating” is a first person account of how food is grown, picked, and processed, and consumed in this country. McMillan starts at the farm level, picking a sorting various crops from grapes to garlic before moving on to jobs at Walmart and then finally an Applebees in New York City.

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Following the bumpy path of modern food: A reporter spends a year in the food industry

Star Tribune • Feb. 24, 2012

If you’ve given any thought to how food finds its way to your mouth, you won’t be surprised by Tracie McMillan’s undercover reporting.

But these pages will leave you with vivid, challenging images of how food is harvested, sold and prepared (loosely speaking) at casual restaurants. You may, like the author, reel from the heat of California’s Central Valley farm fields.

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The American Way of Eating and Food and the City

Washington Independent Review of Books • Feb. 23, 2012

We’re all just “nine meals away from anarchy.” So concludes a British report on the state of food security in the United Kingdom. The situation is the same in the United States, where our food infrastructure — the vast and increasingly monopolized system that brings food from farm to plate — operates on such a tight schedule that any serious interruption would leave grocery store shelves bare within three days.

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Dispatch From The Field: Joe says, “Ultimately, I found this book to be something of a call to arms.”

The Tattered Cover Book Blog • Feb. 23, 2012

What if you can’t afford nine-dollar tomatoes? That was the question award-winning journalist Tracie McMillan couldn’t escape as she watched the debate about America’s meals unfold, one that urges us to pay food’s true cost—which is to say, pay more. So in 2009 McMillan embarked on a groundbreaking undercover journey to see what it takes to eat well in America. For nearly a year, she worked, ate, and lived alongside the working poor to examine how Americans eat when price matters. 

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thanks Michael! RT @michaelpollan: Rave

thanks Michael! RT @michaelpollan: Rave review for Tracie McMillan’s “The American Way of Eating”– congratulations

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